Sam Tomioka
May 5, 2019
The verification of scientific units and conversion from the reported units to standard units have been always challenging for Data Science due to several reasons:
Despite the challenges, the lookup table approach is the norm for many companies for verification of the units and conversion. Consideration was given for more systematic approach that does not require to use the lab test names[1], but some units rely on molar weight and/or valence of ion of the specific lab tests, so this approach does not solve the problem. The regulatory agencies require the sponsor to use standardized units for reporting and analysis[2]. The PMDA requires SI units for all reporting and analysis[3,4]. The differences in requirement force us to maintain region specific conversion for some measurements which add additional complexity.
The approach Jozef Aerts discussed uses RestAPI available through Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM) Resources which is maintained by the US National Library of Medicine (NLM)[5]. The benefit is obvious that we can potentially eliminate the maintenance of the lab conversion lookup table. Here is what they say about themselves.
The Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM) is a code system intended to include all units of measures being contemporarily used in international science, engineering, and business. The purpose is to facilitate unambiguous electronic communication of quantities together with their units. The focus is on electronic communication, as opposed to communication between humans. A typical application of The Unified Code for Units of Measure are electronic data interchange (EDI) protocols, but there is nothing that prevents it from being used in other types of machine communication.
The UCUM is the ISO 11240 compliant standard and has been used in ICSR E2B submissions for regulators adopted ICH E2B(R3). FDA requires the UCUM codes for the eVAERS ICSR E2B (R3) submissions, dosage strength in both content of product labeling and Drug Establishment Registration and Drug Listing. UCUM codes have been adopted by HL7 FHIR.
Jozef Aerts announced an updated RESTful API which accounts for the molecular weights of the analyte into the conversion between molar and mass concentrations. This additional functionality would facilitate the conversion of the lab results, verification of the standardized lab results and LOINC code provided by the vendors.
Although CDISC released a downloadable CDISC UNIT and UCUM mapping xlsx file, this evaluation will not use it since the CDISC UNIT does not cover all reported units used by the clinical laboratory/bioanalytical/PK vendors. Regular expression along with UCUM unit validity service was used to convert and verify the units provided by the lab vendors. In the future, this will be done with encoder-decoder or transformer + sequence-to-sequence model which demonstrated near perfect to generate iso 8601 from numerous date formats.
An initial evaluation was done on RestAPI available through the Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM) Resources and the findings are summarized in 2-1. The second evaluation is completed on the test version of RestAPI provided by Jozef Aerts at xml4pharma
Previoiusly the production version of RestAPI provided by US National Library of Medicine was evaluated. See here for more detail.
6458 laboratory records were used to test UCUM RestAPI. These records are from one of the ongoing clinical trial with standard set of clinical laboratory tests. Out of 6458 records, there were 321 records identified as incorrect conversions. Out of 322 findings, 169 was false positive which is due to lack of accounting valence of ion with respect to mEq to molar unit conversion.
Records | |
Total Records | 6458 |
Identified as incorrect conversion | 321 |
True Positive | 153 |
False Positive | 169 |
2142 records were identified as error. Out of 2142 errors, 120 records identified as error due to having a categorical data despite unit was given. There were 2022 records where the source and target unit do not have the same property. Most of them are cause by lack of mass-mol conversions, and the rest appeared to be correct but medical judgement would be neccessary.
Type of Error | Records |
ERROR: unexpected result: Error: Source and Target unit do not seem to belong to the same property | 2022 |
ERROR: unexpected result: NEGATIVE is not a numeric value | 119 |
ERROR: unexpected result: Negative is not a numeric value | 1 |
Overall, this approach worked for majority of the records 6458, however, a few improvements are required by NLM/NIH to full utilize this RestAPI.
A total of 419103 laboratory records were obtained from 17 clinical trials. Following steps were taken to reduce the number of records for the evaluation of a test version of UCUM Conversion API.
17384 records of laboratory results were used for the evaluation. This evaluation does not cover the use of MOLWEIGHT.
The Table 3 below summarizes the number of records from each step.
- | Number of Records |
Number of studies | 17 |
Input data | 419103 |
After removal of missing units before UCUM unit conversion | 276144 |
After removal of character results | 255937 |
After removal of records do not require conversion | 172205 |
After removal of duplicate records* | 17550 |
After removal of missing units after UCUM unit conversion | 17384 |
There were 2620 records from 27 tests where the LBSTRESN and UCUM conversion results did not match. Observed differences are plotted in Section 4-1.
Out of 27 tests,PHOS, TSH, and MG had a large difference between the LBSTRESN and UCUM conversion. PHOS (n=72) and TSH (n=139) had true positive findings. One test, MG (n=20), had false positive findings. In Figure 1, the left light colored bars show the LBSTRESN, and the right dark colored bars show the difference between LBSTRESN and the returned value from UCUM conversion. The details are discussed in Sec 4-1, but the Table 4 summarizes the findings on these 3 tests.
LBTESTCD | Source of Issue | My Note |
MG | UCUM API | ion channel is ignored in conversion |
PHOS | Input Data | mass-molar conversion was done incorrectly by the lab vendor |
TSH | Input Data | mass-molar conversion was done incorrectly by the lab vendor |
7389 records were returned with error messages from UCUM Conversion as shown in the Figure 2. Table 5 summarizes the type of errors received.
ERROR: invalid double for Molecular Weight value = null
which turns out the be true positive finding. This is related to missing m.w. or LOINC when the conversion requires m.w..ERROR: No MW value for the LOINC code **xxxxxxx** is available or the LOINC code is invalid
. One of the error was due to invalid LOINC code 15153-0
, but the rest of errors appear to be due to missing m.w. in the LOINC database. It would be helpful if this error message is split into each condition (1. invalid LOINC code or missing MW in LOINC) for our verification purpose. ERROR: number of annotations in source and target is different
. The surface area 1.73 m2 was added as annotation for the source but the target did not include the same annotation. This will be solve with unexpected result: Error: Source and Target unit do not seem to belong to the same property
. See Table 6 for more detail.Message | My Note | Sample Call |
ERROR: invalid double for Molecular Weight value = null | True positive finding | |
ERROR: No MW value for the LOINC code 13457-7 is available or the LOINC code is invalid | Valid LOINC, No m.w from LOINC | |
ERROR: No MW value for the LOINC code 15153-0 is available or the LOINC code is invalid | Invalid LOINC | |
ERROR: No MW value for the LOINC code 18262-6 is available or the LOINC code is invalid | Valid LOINC, No m.w from LOINC | |
ERROR: No MW value for the LOINC code 1968-7 is available or the LOINC code is invalid | Valid LOINC, No m.w from LOINC | |
ERROR: No MW value for the LOINC code 3094-0 is available or the LOINC code is invalid | Valid LOINC, No m.w from LOINC | |
ERROR: No MW value for the LOINC code 35192-4 is available or the LOINC code is invalid | Valid LOINC, No m.w from LOINC | |
ERROR: No MW value for the LOINC code 35197-3 is available or the LOINC code is invalid | Valid LOINC, No m.w from LOINC | |
ERROR: No MW value for the LOINC code 35217-9 is available or the LOINC code is invalid | Valid LOINC, No m.w from LOINC | |
ERROR: No MW value for the LOINC code 35234-4 is available or the LOINC code is invalid | Valid LOINC, No m.w from LOINC | |
ERROR: number of annotations in source and target is different | ?? | |
ERROR: unexpected result: Error: Source and Target unit do not seem to belong to the same property | Why the error is not 'ERROR: invalid double for Molecular Weight value = null' | |
The following converions as listed in the Table 6 returend the following error message.
ERROR: unexpected result: Error: Source and Target unit do not seem to belong to the same property
INSULIN | uU/mL | pmol/L |
BASO | G/L | 10*9/L |
EOS | G/L | 10*9/L |
LYM | G/L | 10*9/L |
MONO | G/L | 10*9/L |
NEUT | G/L | 10*9/L |
PLAT | G/L | 10*9/L |
RBC | T/L | 10*12/L |
WBC | G/L | 10*9/L |
LYMAT | G/L | 10*9/L |
MYCY | G/L | 10*9/L |
ALP | %5BIU%5D/L | U/L |
ALT | %5BIU%5D/L | U/L |
AST | %5BIU%5D/L | U/L |
CK | %5BIU%5D/L | U/L |
INSULIN | u%5BIU%5D/mL | pmol/L |
or Giga per liter
is often used in the hematology panel and is equivalent to 10*9 as per ucum-essence.xml, but the conversion was not sucessful.IU
and U
are equivalent, but the conversion failed.T
and `10*12' are equivalent as per ucum-essence.xml, but the conversion failed.G |
U and IU |
T |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
This approach has potential and can be used for any units (PK, Lab, ECG, Vital Signs, etc). The addition of mass-mol/mol-mass conversion is a great addition and very useful to verify the results obtained from the vendors.
A few improvements would allow us to use this API at full potential.
As previously discusses, the varence of an ion with respect to mEq to molar unit conversion was one of the issues. Some LOINC based conversion was not performed due to lack of m.w.. Conversion for units with G
, T
, and U
were not successful.
'ERROR: No MW value for the LOINC code xxxxxxx is available or the LOINC code is invalid' could be split into two errors for each condition for verification purpose. Otherwise, one need to lookup LOINC to confirm whether or not the LOINC is valid or m.w. is missing.
Overall, the tool was very useful and we found the conversion issues caused by two vendors affecting many clinical trials. We will implement this in SAS for programmers, and Python for automated checking using the production release by NIH.
[1] Wu and Wales (2017) Laboratory Data Standardization with SAS . PharmaSUG
[2] FDA (2013). Position on Use of SI Units for Lab Tests - FDA
[3] PMDA. (2015) Notification on Practical Operations of Electronic Study Data Submissions
[4] PMDA (2017). FAQs on Electronic Study Data Submission (Excerpt)
[5] Jozef Aerts (2019) SDTM --STRESN: why we need UCUM
Something to note:
The units used in API call has to be compliant with the USUM specifications. In addition, URL encoding has to be applied for some special characters. URL encoding can be found here.
import boto3
import botocore
import re
import os
import pandas as pd
import pandas_profiling as pp
import pixiedust as px
import pickle
# Visual
%matplotlib inline
# my utilities
from lib.ucum import *
bucket='snvn-sagemaker-1' #data bucket
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
os.makedirs('data', exist_ok=True)
s3.Bucket(bucket).download_file(KEY, os.path.join('data','sdtm_lb.sas7bdat'))
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "404":
print("The object does not exist.")
print('Number of studies: ',len(list(set(rlb['STUDYID']))))
#df=df[df['LBORRESU']!='LBSTRESU'] #since we don't need to verify
print('Number of records in the input: ',df.shape)
#Cleaning Input Data
df1.dropna(axis=0, subset=['LBORRESU'], inplace=True)
df1.dropna(axis=0, subset=['LBSTRESU'], inplace=True)
print('Removed records with missing units: ', df1.shape)
#Remove records not needed for verification
#1. results contain character
df1['LBORRES']=df1['LBORRES'].str.replace(r'[a-zA-Z ]+','')
df1.dropna(axis=0, subset=['LBSTRESN'], inplace=True)
print('Removed records with character results: ',df1.shape)
#2. both units are the same
print('Removed records do not require conversion: ',df1.shape)
Let's see what units have been used in the input datasets
bar_hm(df1,'Units found in the input data (counts)')
#Regular expressions. --- update this based on raw data
patterns = [("%","%25"),
("\A[xX]?10[^E]", "10*"),
("IU", "%5BIU%5D"),
("\Anan", ""),
("\ANONE", ""),
("\A[rR][Aa][Tt][Ii][Oo]", ""),
("\ApH", ""),
("fraction of 1","1"),
and returns a list with either True or False. dfconverted, ucumlist=orresu2ucum(df1,patterns)
ucumVerify(ucumlist, url)
bar_hm(dfconverted,'UCUM found in the input data (counts)')
nodupdf=df1.drop_duplicates(subset=['LBTESTCD','LBORRESU','LBORRES','LBSTRESN','LBSTRESU'], keep='first')
print('Removed duplicate records: ', nodupdf.shape[0])
if os.path.isfile('output/findings.pickle'):
findings= open('output/findings.pickle', mode='rb')
full= open('output/full.pickle', mode='rb')
response= open('output/response.pickle', mode='rb')
findings,full,response=convert_unit(nodupdf, url, patterns,loinconly=0)
with open('output/findings.pickle', 'wb') as handle:
pickle.dump(findings, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
with open('output/full.pickle', 'wb') as handle:
pickle.dump(full, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
with open('output/response.pickle', 'wb') as handle:
pickle.dump(response, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
diff.dropna(axis=0, how='any',subset=['diff'], inplace=True)
dfpiv=diff.pivot(columns='LBTESTCD', values='diff')
Check differences between reported LBSTRESN vs Converted Results
discrepant0=diff.groupby(by=['LBTESTCD','LBSTRESU'],as_index =True)
discrepant0=discrepant0.describe().xs('mean', level=1, axis=1)[['LBSTRESN','diff']]
discrepant1=pd.melt(discrepant0.reset_index(), id_vars=['LBTESTCD','LBSTRESU'],value_vars=['LBSTRESN','diff'])
g = sns.FacetGrid(discrepant1, col='LBSTRESU', row='LBTESTCD', sharey='row', margin_titles=True), 'LBTESTCD', 'value', 'variable', hue_order=['LBSTRESN','diff'], alpha=.8)
g = sns.FacetGrid(discrepant2, col='LBSTRESU', row='LBTESTCD', sharey='row', margin_titles=True), 'LBTESTCD', 'value', 'variable', hue_order=['LBSTRESN','diff'], alpha=.8)
Note: Issues were identified in MG, PHOS, and TSH. Other differences are neglibile.
import random
for i in range(27):
r = lambda: random.randint(0,255)
c='#%02X%02X%02X' % (r(),r(),r())
fig = plt.figure( figsize=(20,20))
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4, wspace=0.4)
idx = np.arange(1, difftests+1)
for i, col, c in zip(idx, dfpiv.columns, c_):
ax = fig.add_subplot(4, 7, i)
#dfpiv.loc[:, col].plot.hist(label=col, color=c, range=(diff['diff'].min(), diff['diff'].max()), bins=15)
dfpiv.loc[:, col].plot.hist(label=col, color=c, bins=15)
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 100, 10))
plt.suptitle('Distributions of differences between LBSTRESN and UCUM conversion. \nExcluding exact match between LBSTRESN and UCUM conversion', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
check=sumstat('MG',findings, rlb, dfpiv)
Note: The error is originated from UCUM API. Ion channel of the $\text{Mg}^{+2}$ was not been considered.
check=sumstat('PHOS', findings,rlb, dfpiv)
Phosphate molecular weight is 94.97g/mol 3.0mg/dL in mmol/L is
$\frac{3.0\text{mg}}{\text{dL}} =\frac{30\text{mg}}{\text{L}} = \frac{0.03\text{g}}{\text{L}}*\frac{\text{mmol}}{0.09497\text{g}} = 0.3158892281773191 $
Note: The identified error is originated from the lab vendor.
check=sumstat('TSH',findings, rlb, dfpiv)
m[IU]/L to [IU]/mL
Note: The identified error is originated from the lab vendor.
fig1 = plt.figure( figsize=(10,10))
sns.set_palette("rainbow", 13)
ax4 = errormsg.pivot('LBTESTCD','RESPONSE','COUNT').plot(kind='barh',figsize=(10,15),stacked=True)
plt.legend(title='Error Messages',loc=5, bbox_to_anchor=(1, -0.2))
plt.suptitle('Error Messages from UCUM Conversion', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
for i in range(len(msglist)):
print('Error: '+msglist[i])
print('Call: '+o_['checklist'])
pd.options.display.max_colwidth =150