Beam search

We will have then [“in september”, “jane is”, “jane visit”]. These three words are kept in the memory.

Notice, that we automatically discard september as a first word.

Refinements to Beam Search

Length normalization



In practice, slightly softer approach may be taken with addition of where is around 0.7 in practice.

Beam-search algorithm in Python

See here

# coding: utf-8
Beam search for neural network sequence to sequence (encoder-decoder) models.
Usage example:
from beam_search import beam_search
# Load model and vocabularies...
input_text = "Hello World !"
X = [encoder_vocabulary.get(t, encoder_vocabulary['<UNK>']) for t in input_text.split()]
hypotheses = beam_search(model.initial_state_function, model.generate_function, X, decoder_vocabulary['<S>'], decoder_vocabulary['</S>'])
for hypothesis in hypotheses:
    generated_indices = hypothesis.to_sequence_of_values()
    generated_tokens = [reverse_decoder_vocabulary[i] for i in generated_indices]
    print(" ".join(generated_tokens))
import numpy as np
class Node(object):
    def __init__(self, parent, state, value, cost, extras):
        super(Node, self).__init__()
        self.value = value
        self.parent = parent # parent Node, None for root
        self.state = state.flatten() if state is not None else None # recurrent layer hidden state
        self.cum_cost = parent.cum_cost + cost if parent else cost # e.g. -log(p) of sequence up to current node (including)
        self.length = 1 if parent is None else parent.length + 1
        self.extras = extras # can hold, for example, attention weights
        self._sequence = None
    def to_sequence(self):
        # Return sequence of nodes from root to current node.
        if not self._sequence:
            self._sequence = []
            current_node = self
            while current_node:
                self._sequence.insert(0, current_node)
                current_node = current_node.parent
        return self._sequence
    def to_sequence_of_values(self):
        return [s.value for s in self.to_sequence()]
    def to_sequence_of_extras(self):
        return [s.extras for s in self.to_sequence()]
def beam_search(initial_state_function, generate_function, X, start_id, end_id, beam_width=4, num_hypotheses=1, max_length=50):
    """Beam search for neural network sequence to sequence (encoder-decoder) models.
    :param initial_state_function: A function that takes X as input and returns state (2-dimensonal numpy array with 1 row
                                   representing decoder recurrent layer state - currently supports only one recurrent layer).
    :param generate_function: A function that takes X, Y_tm1 (1-dimensional numpy array of token indices in decoder vocabulary
                              generated at previous step) and state_tm1 (2-dimensonal numpy array of previous step decoder recurrent
                              layer states) as input and returns state_t (2-dimensonal numpy array of current step decoder recurrent
                              layer states), p_t (2-dimensonal numpy array of decoder softmax outputs) and optional extras
                              (e.g. attention weights at current step).
    :param X: List of input token indices in encoder vocabulary.
    :param start_id: Index of <start sequence> token in decoder vocabulary.
    :param end_id: Index of <end sequence> token in decoder vocabulary.
    :param beam_width: Beam size. Default 4.
    :param num_hypotheses: Number of hypotheses to generate. Default 1.
    :param max_length: Length limit for generated sequence. Default 50.
    if isinstance(X, list) or X.ndim == 1:
        X = np.array([X], dtype=np.int32).T
    assert X.ndim == 2 and X.shape[1] == 1, "X should be a column array with shape (input-sequence-length, 1)"
    next_fringe = [Node(parent=None, state=initial_state_function(X), value=start_id, cost=0.0, extras=None)]
    hypotheses = []
    for _ in range(max_length):
        fringe = []
        for n in next_fringe:
            if n.value == end_id:
        if not fringe or len(hypotheses) >= num_hypotheses:
        Y_tm1 = np.array([n.value for n in fringe], dtype=np.int32)
        state_tm1 = np.array([n.state for n in fringe], dtype=np.float32)
        state_t, p_t, extras_t = generate_function(X, Y_tm1, state_tm1)
        Y_t = np.argsort(p_t, axis=1)[:,-beam_width:] # no point in taking more than fits in the beam
        next_fringe = []
        for Y_t_n, p_t_n, extras_t_n, state_t_n, n in zip(Y_t, p_t, extras_t, state_t, fringe):
            Y_nll_t_n = -np.log(p_t_n[Y_t_n])
            for y_t_n, y_nll_t_n in zip(Y_t_n, Y_nll_t_n):
                n_new = Node(parent=n, state=state_t_n, value=y_t_n, cost=y_nll_t_n, extras=extras_t_n)
        next_fringe = sorted(next_fringe, key=lambda n: n.cum_cost)[:beam_width] # may move this into loop to save memory
    hypotheses.sort(key=lambda n: n.cum_cost)
    return hypotheses[:num_hypotheses]

Usage example:

from beam_search import beam_search
# Load model and vocabularies...
input_text = "Hello World !"
X = [encoder_vocabulary.get(t, encoder_vocabulary['<UNK>']) for t in input_text.split()]
hypotheses = beam_search(model.initial_state_function, model.generate_function, X, decoder_vocabulary['<S>'], decoder_vocabulary['</S>'])
for hypothesis in hypotheses:
    generated_indices = hypothesis.to_sequence_of_values()
    generated_tokens = [reverse_decoder_vocabulary[i] for i in generated_indices]
    print(" ".join(generated_tokens))`