Bias and Variance with mismatched data distributions

Estimating the bias and variance of your learning algorithm really helps you prioritize what to work on next. But the way you analyze bias and variance changes when your training set comes from a different distribution than your dev and test sets.

Cat classifier example

Human 0%
training 1%
dev 10%

To examine, make a sub set of data.

Now we have a variance problem

General Principals on bias/variance on mismatched training and dev/test sets

More general formulation

Human 4%
training 7%
train-dev 10%
Dev 6%
Test 6%
general speech recognition rearview mirror speech data
Human “Human Level” 4% 6%
error on examples trained on “Training error” 7% 6%
errors on examples not trained on “Traing - dev error” 10% “Dev/Test Error” 6%

How do you address data mismatch?