Medical image classification example:
Goal is to make a diagnosis classification decision.
Given above, Human level error can be considered as a proxy for Bayes error, and since Bayes error 0.5%, so we can set the human level error as 0.5%.
For a medical imaging diagnosis example,
Avoidable bias 4-4.5% Avoidable bias 0-0.5%
Variance 1% Variance 4%
reduce bias reduce variance
More on how to reduce bias and variance
Having an estimate of human-level performance gives you an estimate of Bayes error. And this allows you to more quickly make decisions as to whether you should focus on trying to reduce a bias or trying to reduce the variance of your algorithm. And these techniques will tend to work well until you surpass human-level performance, whereupon you might no longer have a good estimate of Bayes error that still helps you make this decision really clearly.